Artist inspired illustrations

I’ve found so many artists on instagram with styles and techniques I want to integrate in my own. By imitating their style I tried to understand their decisions process and tools to achieve a similar result. Sketches gives you a good idea of their line work, but making a completed piece can teach you a lot more.

This piece inspired to repeat the exercise. On instagram there is a trend called “Draw this in your style”, a challenge in which other artist redraws the artist’s artwork (usually characters) in their own style. The original character was created by Carles Dalmau. Most artists re-emphasized the cute looks, while I went for a more mischievous look. I mean, star shaped eyes… that character is definitely hiding something.

For this piece I wanted to capture the same aesthetic but with my own sense of humour. This is my own character using Fireflyraye‘s visual aesthetic.

Niniwanted creates very detailed sceneries with a flat pastel coloured aesthetic. Her style reminds me of the cute anthropomorphic world of the Animal Crossing game. I tried to give a similar feel to her style by drawing a popular Café in my hometown, Café Mulligan.

Instead of doing fanart on really popular game or manga I recommend doing fanart on your favorite artists. Imitating a style you like definitely helps you learn new tools and tricks.